AnalogX Capture is a screen capture tool for Windows. It is made by AnalogX, a company that developed some great tools and which has earned my respect for their Proxy tool, among others. AnalogX Capture achieves what their other apps are all about: it is lightweight, it is fast, intuitive, and overly simple.
The application can capture your whole desktop or just an active window. Also, it can save the screen capture into a BMP file or put it in your clipboard so that you can use it on other applications. Sadly, you can't choose the format of your captures. You are limited to a format that is no longer very popular. Of course, you can still convert the image to other formats, but this is extra work, and no one likes that. AnalogX Capture allows you to automatically name the output files, or you can choose to name them manually after each capture.
You take a screen capture by clicking on the tray icon. Or you can do it by selecting an option from the pop-up menu that appears when your right-click on this icon. All the captures go to the folder where the application was installed.
As I said before, this app is very intuitive and easy to use. For example, all the settings that you can change are on the one window this application has. The readme file is also very helpful.